Our AI based Gene Simulators
Marabu Simulator is an advanced tool designed to calculate the percentage of DNA material a designed fetus inherits from its actual donors, along with the proportion of mutated genes. It generates a detailed DNA map for each individual, showing the percentage of genetic material inherited from their ancestors and highlighting any genetic anomalies present within the family line.
The simulator uses blockchain technology to ensure data is encrypted and tamper-proof. This secure system allows authorized individuals within the family map to update recent changes, with modifications requiring validation from all members in the map, maintaining accuracy and transparency.
Marabu- Lineage Blockchain
Muthir- An Aging and Metabolism Simulator!
Muthir is an advanced aging and metabolism simulator designed for newborn designer babies and users alike. This system leverages ancestral genetic data, along with the user’s medical history, tracked vitals, and responses to various stimuli, to simulate reactions to unexposed conditions and stimuli.
By analyzing the DNA composition of ancestors and applying real-life experiences and stimuli, Muthir generates a comprehensive prediction of how a newborn’s metabolism and aging process may unfold. These insights enable users to avoid harmful stimuli and adopt a sustainable lifestyle with minimal impact on their long-term health.
What you gain
Talk With an Consultant
Mr A
Book a 20-minute session with the next available consultant to explore our Simulators, including their applications, benefits, and pricing. We customize your fitness plan, diet, vital monitoring, and medical treatments based on comprehensive Simulator results that offer a deep analysis of your biology, metabolism, DNA mapping, immune responses, and cell rejuvenation.