Our AI Simulators
Future Assured Designer babies!!
Becoming a parent comes with immense responsibility, and worrying about your child’s future is natural.
We offer a one-of-a-kind service that secures your child’s future, career, and life—even before they’re born! That’s right! When we illuminate a path toward a brighter future, why not take the step towards having a designer baby?
We help them design babies to help them excel in the field of their parents’ choice.
The simulator carefully matches the genetic makeup of donors in the repository in order to arrive at the right featurs, complexion, hair, organ , bone desity, skin health, bone flexibility and muscle health based on the parent’s choice of work, nutrition ,geographical condition, stress level, life style the child will be subjected to and will arive at the right combination of potential list of donors and will show the above parameters for the mix of each for the user to chose the best combination suting their requirements.We help detect genetic anamolies while running the genetic combination
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Your biological age reveals how young you truly are. Don’t be misled by outdated methods of filtering donors based solely on age.We offer advanced methods which predicts bilogical age based on Metabolism , Cell detoriation , Assimilation, Energy use, Absorption, and Regenration Rate .
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Age is just a number!!Biological Age is the right indication of your ageing and Metabolism at cellulat level.